Rise Up Hot Air Balloon Festival

The Rise Up Balloon Festival is committed to enhancing mental health, fostering connections and promoting overall well-being. This year, CAPE has been invited to have their grade 6 students attend the balloon launch on the morning of May 23rd, 2024. Students will be wearing the colours of yellow and purple to honour our school balloon, “The Eye of Raa” which means God of the Sun.

06 May, 2024

CAPE Nutritional Program

The Root Cellar has always been a key partner for our school nutrition program. With access to recent nutrition funding as provided by Alberta Education we have enabled the ability to expand our nutrition program to promote an open system where students can access meals or snacks without any issue. A new sliding style refrigerator is stocked with healthy food choices for the students to choose from. Dairy (cheese, yogurt, milk) grains (bagels, rice cakes, cereal) fruits and vegetables and a variety of lunch style items (wraps, sandwiches and soup). Dietary needs such as gluten free and Halal options are also available to students. The partnership with the Root Cellar has allowed the sourcing of the food items to be done at reasonable prices, which in turn allows us to provide food to students, while supporting our local partners.

06 May, 2024

CAPE & Kinsmen Write-a-thon

A school wide Write-a-thon was hosted in partnership with the Medicine Hat Kinsmen. Students pledged for this event while all funds raised from the event were split evenly, 50% going to the Kinsmen and the other 50% benefiting CAPE directly. In addition to pledging, students accomplished writing pieces in their literacy classes. Awards were presented to select students showing the most improvement with their writing.

06 May, 2024

CAPE Safety Patrollers

Our CAPE Safety Patrollers had the opportunity to share time together as they enjoyed a morning of swimming followed by a pizza lunch courtesy of the AMA Medicine Hat- Alberta Motor Association as appreciation for their dedication. Keep up the great work, CAPE students!

06 May, 2024

CAPE Heritage Fair

CAPE students experience many learning opportunities especially through the research process of Heritage Fair. CAPE students have the ability to learn about the importance of Canada through the discovery of specific events, historical figures and worthwhile contributions within history. Months of hard work is dedicated to the students researching their project choice, building a proper written report and then facilitating the presentation skills before presenting in the school Heritage Fair on Feb. 3rd 2024. Many awards were presented to students who placed in their respective categories. Opportunities have been granted for students to attend the Regional Heritage Fair where they have the chance to amplify their knowledge base of their projects even further. This has allowed students to compete among other students from various schools for advanced placements and awards.

06 May, 2024

CAPE Science Fair

CAPE students experience many learning opportunities especially through hands-on activities such as Science Fair. This is a school wide opportunity where students in grades 4-9 are actively engaged in learning the scientific process through experimentation of a science project through their choosing. Months of hard work is dedicated as students build and test their hypothesis and then develop their research and data into a formal lab report. Students practiced their presentations skills before competing in the CAPE Science Fair on Feb. 10th 2024. Many awards were presented to students who placed in their respective categories. Opportunities have been granted for students to attend the Regional Science Fair where they had the chance to perfect and develop their projects even further. This allows students to compete among other students from various schools for advanced placements and awards. 

29 March, 2024

CAN-struction Event

CAPE was invited, in partnership with Methanex, to create a city icon using canned food for the Root Cellar’s CAN-struction event.  Our grade 3 students built their version of the "Sunshine Trolley" at the Medicine Hat Mall. All canned goods donated to this event will be used by the Root Cellar to support families in our community. CAPE took an award "for the best meal" from the representation of the cans provided

28 March, 2024

CAPE Student Recognition

CAPE students have experienced wonderful success with their participation in many school wide events. Throughout the school years students have participated in many different contests, school-based initiatives and school sports. See our Outstanding Achievements here.

08 April, 2022

CAPE Community Donations

CAPE school has contributed towards many community organizations. Giving back to the community is an important and integral aspect of the partnership we have with our community. Students have fundraised through a school bake sale which money was donated generously to the Ronald McDonald House. Students also have raised money through various school wide activities earning money to be donated to the Make-A-Wish-Foundation, SPCA and the Medicine Hat Root Cellar Food and Wellness Hub and the Mustard Seed. We are very proud of these efforts from our wonderful CAPE families and students. 

09 January, 2022

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