There are many people working as a team at CAPE. Here is a short list of whom to see for common questions. If your concern is not listed here, please feel free to send your questions to and we will gladly help you.
Ms. Thompson, Administrative Assistant
Waiting list forms can be requested from Ms. Thompson or accessed on our website. As spots become available, Ms. Krochak, the Director of Student Services, completes the programming needs assessment and confirms registration. Registration forms are distributed and collected by Ms. Thompson.
Mrs. Smeed, Administrative Assistant
CAPE uniforms are available for order throughout the year from Land’s End online. Sizing information can be found on their website.
If you have questions about uniform requirements, you can speak with Mrs. Smeed. You can also find uniform details in the front of all CAPE student planners.
Please be advised that all uniform decisions and matters are at the discretion of the School Council.
Mrs. Gordon, Principal
Ms. Krochak, Director of Student Services
Wondering if we have the program supports for your child/student? Mrs. Gordon will answer these questions and will discuss the specific needs of your child. Ms. Krochak will also provide input into individual supports and assessments.
School Council (Parents)
Mrs. Smeed, Administrative Assistant
Get involved! Come to a School Council meeting to be part of the advisory parent body. We are looking for each homeroom to have a representative. Mrs. Smeed can give you meeting dates, details, and answer questions about School Council.
Mrs. Wolfe, Executive Assistant
Invoices for fees are sent regularly throughout the year. For any fee payments or fees questions, please contact Mrs. Wolfe.
Out of School Care
Ms. Thompson, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Gordon, Principal
Registration forms for OSC can be requested from Ms. Thompson in the main office. Mrs. Gordon is the Out of School Care Director. Daily caregivers are available to answer specific questions or concerns. For specific program questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Gordon.