CAPE Science Fair

CAPE students experience many learning opportunities especially through hands-on activities such as Science Fair. This is a school wide opportunity where students in grades 4-9 are actively engaged in learning the scientific process through experimentation of a science project through their choosing. Months of hard work is dedicated as students build and test their hypothesis and then develop their research and data into a formal lab report. Students practiced their presentations skills before competing in the CAPE Science Fair on Feb. 10th 2024. Many awards were presented to students who placed in their respective categories. Opportunities have been granted for students to attend the Regional Science Fair where they had the chance to perfect and develop their projects even further. This allows students to compete among other students from various schools for advanced placements and awards. 

CAN-struction Event

CAPE was invited, in partnership with Methanex, to create a city icon using canned food for the Root Cellar’s CAN-struction event.  Our grade 3 students built their version of the “Sunshine Trolley” at the Medicine Hat Mall. All canned goods donated to this event will be used by the Root Cellar to support families in our community.

CAPE took an award “for the best meal” from the representation of the cans provided